Transporter 2 (2005)
Transporter Poo
5 April 2008
Having enjoyed the 1st "Transporter" movie, I was severely disappointed by this sequel. Jason Statham and the rest of the cast go through the motions in a tired Miami-based 007 retread, all guns and gadgets and very little of what made the first film so entertaining. The car chases and fight scenes all look stagey and the use of CGI is too obvious.

It's hard to believe that Luc Besson would even think of lending his name to this grubby little film, but there he is in the credits. The man clearly has no shame.

Someone else with no shame is Kate Nauta, who plays a sub-Bond villainess with all the sexiness of a hatstand, despite spending most of the movie semi-naked, tricked out in high heels and some sort of combat body harness. All I can say about her role is that she must have been offered a lot of money.

I managed to sit all the way through "Transporter 2" but it was more in hope than due to any entertainment value. 'Surely it'll pick up soon,' I kept telling myself, but this was a forlorn hope. I still recommend the first "Transporter" as high-octane entertainment, but stay away from this diesel-powered golf cart of a sequel.
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