Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
A train wreck
2 April 2008
I'm sorry to say Voyager was a very poor effort. It certainly had the right premise: a Federation starship stranded, no way home, a crew at odds. Very well. And then it all went downhill.

Firstly, they did not keep to the plot, or the premise. In the end, it was TNG in the Delta Quadrant, nothing else.

Secondly, this tries to mash TNG and TOS together and just ends up being ridiculous. So, lets see: The doctor could just be a hologram of McCoy, Janeway is Picard with breasts, Tuvok is Spocks retarded brother, B'Elana is a spoiled, conflicted version of a mash-up between Worf and Scotty, Harry Kim is Hikaru Sulu, Chakotay is even more useless than Riker.

Thirdly, the writing was horrible. The treknobable was even worse than TNG.

Well, maybe it does have some redeeming features. The Borg as the main villain saved the show, Seven of Nine, and of course, barring Enterprise, this trek is the best looking trek.

In all, a 6/10.
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