Another specious Quest remake. Don't mess with classic
2 April 2008
I can see why this sad remake was canceled. You don't remake a great invention like the wheel. Once the best is made, only bad imitations follow. This show had bad acting, laughable plots, and trite villains. Those CGI "Quest World" areas were basically a "cheap" attempt to cut on some real animation. It was simply hollow and cannot even attempt to capture the original Quest. Both 80s remake and 90s remake had to bring useless character side-kicks into the mix "Hardrock" and Jessie" who were not needed or necessary. I was glad to see this show leave the air. It was an embarrassment to what genius the original Quest is. Those animators brought great detail and depth with incredible animation (who didn't need a computer to help tell their story) and fun story lines to forefront. That is why classic Jonny endures. How many people talk about the 80s Quest? Same will go for the 90s Quest. They are just hollow shells with no substance. Long live the classic 60s Quest.
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