More Dark and Sad, than Disturbing...
30 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of a man. Not any man, but a painter. He lives a happy life in Japan, painting pictures, but he goes into the sewers, and what does he find??? A mermaid. A beautiful mermaid, asking him to draw, and paint a picture of her. But she gets some infectious disease that literally starts eating away at here body, and in the end she dies.

Now it sounds great. And don't get me wrong, it was good. But not that good. I am 14 years old, and i saw this movie, and i was surprised. I've been told that these movies are some of the most "disturbing, morbid, and macabre" movies available. While there were some "interesting" parts, there were none that surprised me, or even shocked me. I come from a family were horror movies are around everywhere. Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Hostel, Saw, Friday the 13th, Halloween. But i've always wanted to dip into Asian horror movies as they are said to be for only the strongest of stomachs. The only scene that was somewhat "intense" was the bugs/ worms, because i hate insects. Not my greatest interest at all.

The moral is the man who loves his mermaid, ends up killing her to save her from the pain, little does he realize is that he is schizophrenic and it is his wife with her 8 month old fetus child, still in womb. This is sad, as he is also said to have loved his wife, but he thought she was already dead. It was also very dark.

The story was incredible... Bad. The story was just long, and boring, the only thing that will keep ya going is the effects.

Know, the effects were wicked awesome. The blood, and the Tumors, everything was cool.

Acting: as this is a low-budget horror movie, don't expect any Russel Crowe or Tom Cruise performances. The main actor, the painter, some of his expressions were more funny than serious. But maybe thats Japanese culture that I'm just unfamiliar with.

Overall: A decent horror movie, if there was a better story, would've won Oscar (just joking), the effects are really the only thing that'll attach you, and the dark depths of the story might entice you as well. My greatest would have to be a 6/10!
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