Thin, predictable; Garner is only high point
29 March 2008
Barely entertaining, extremely thin, predictable "comedy" with occasional heartstring pulls thrown in inexplicably. Everybody learns something valuable, good guys are good, bad guys are bad, and the ending is exactly what you'd expect.

Jack Lemmon is decent in his role. Dan Ackroyd plays The Dan Ackroyd character, this time with an occasionally shifting Southern accent. James Garner was best cast and did the most with his character. His comedic timing was spot-on, particularly when one considers the weak material he worked with.

I normally don't note special effects because I don't really care about them, but there's a scene with characters on horseback that is so unbelievably bad in execution that it might as well have been puppets.

The bloopers on the DVD are worth watching, if only to get a sense of what it must be like to work with Lemmon and Garner. I found Garner's ability to maintain character impressive! But this is not a picture I need to see again.
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