Review of Midway

Midway (2007)
A Sobering Insight into Consequences of Life Choices
27 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent short. Very well acted. The barbershop setting is ingenious. The film provides a sobering look at purgatory. I'm not a particular believer in the concept; however, it captures well the importance of having one's life right with God and provides a sobering and thought provoking look at the after-life consequences of one's choices in this life. In particular, there is a very poignant and haunting consideration of how we care for our family.

A subtle, but unique, feature is that the six male characters characters each cover a different decade - a young boy, perhaps 6 years old; another young man in his early teens; one in his late teens; a man of middle age (30-40), another slightly older (50-60) and finally one who has been there quite some time - perhaps in his 70's.

I can only say thank you to Darius Clark Monroe for this introspective and somewhat haunting short.
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