"Best Week Ever" is Not the Best Show Ever . . . Far From It.
25 March 2008
I know people are going to disagree with me. I'll say it anyway: I can't stand "Best Week Ever". The show just sucks! It obviously has a following, and I know those people are going to say that my comments aren't "useful", but I don't care. You have to understand that this is only an opinion, though.

You're probably asking yourself, "Well, if you don't like the show, why don't you just turn the TV off?" Good question, because I usually like many of the other programs on VH1. In fact, you'll soon read my other glowing reviews of the "I Love the (fill in the blank decade)" specials, "Celebrity Fit Club", and "Celebrity Rehab". These shows have character, and they make for good television for reasons you'll find out from reading more.

"Best Week Ever", to me, is just not funny. If you've heard one joke about either Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, or anyone else the paparazzi stalks, then you've heard them all. There's nothing that "Best Week Ever" makes fun of that hasn't already been made fun of by better comedians.

Although I like some of the panelists (including Paul F. Tompkins, Greg Fitzsimmons, and Patrice O'Neal), most of them (especially The Greg Wilson) come off to me as unoriginal and as cocky as the celebrities they are trashing, not to mention not clever. It's almost as if being funny isn't a requirement for being on "Best Week Ever". You just have to be a pompous ass who has nothing better to do except watch reality TV (and lots of it) and look through the pictures of every celebrity gossip magazine in print. I bet the only time The Greg Wilson gets off the couch is to use the bathroom, go on this show, and make God-awful movies like "The Hottie & The Nottie". I haven't even seen the latter movie, nor do I have any intention to. I've seen a preview, though, and it's not surprising that the movie was critically panned.

So that's my opinion. I know that the show has a following, and I respect that following. I really do. I just think the show sucks, and most of the comedians on the show come off as mean high school kids who make fun of everyone and everything for the sake of making fun of it all. They're rebels without a clue as far as I'm concerned. Also, the fact that this show has been criticized for catering to low attention spans makes me rather read the Encyclopedia Britannica from A-Z than be exposed to thirty minutes of this show.
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