Funny Games (1997)
It may be the most disturbingly realistic horror film ever!
21 March 2008
An absolutely merciless horror thriller from Austria, Funny Games is an unforgettable tale of nerve-wracking suspense.

A quiet family on vacation at their lake house is menaced by two mysterious yet clean-cut young men, who turn out to be some very sadistic killers.

Funny Games is anything but its title. This film is one completely intense ride that recalls some of the most brutal home-invasion horror films of the 70's. However, unlike most tales of madness and torture Funny Games is a story that's played out in such a realistic nature. If it were a true story re-enactment of a real crime, it wouldn't surprise me. In fact that would be about the only way that this unsettling shocker could have had a bigger impact. There are moments of incredible suspense in this film and such an atmosphere of overwhelming tension that it becomes almost unbearable at times. The film has some off-beat moments of cheeky dark humor with our villains, they refer to each other by cartoon character names and there's one particularly memorable twist involving a remote control that reverses the film! Michael Haneke's direction is very simplistic, there is no music score and the camera work is generally basic (one tense shot lasting nearly ten minutes). This however adds all the most to the film's chilling feeling of realism.

The strong performances of the cast add all the more to the believability. Susanne Lothar is outstanding as the terrorized housewife and mother. Arno Frisch is effectively creepy as the calm madman who torments the family. The supporting performances of Ulrich Muhe, Frank Giering, and young Stefan Clapczynski are also dynamic.

Over all, Funny Games is one stunning horror film. Not only does it have a unique feel and tons of tension - it's an absolutely unforgettable experience.

Michael Haneke remade this film for the US in 2008.

*** 1/2 out of ****
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