Review of Zinda

Zinda (2006)
A Thief Ought to be Jailed
20 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Many people have said it. I feel it bears saying again. I am an Indian, and I am ashamed of Zinda. I don't care whether the cinematography is brilliant or not, whether the acting (acting? john abraham? really?) is great or not.... i say gimme enough money, and even i can cut, copy, paste from any classic, 'indianize' it, and make myself the newest hotshot director on the block. To those who say that Sanjay Gupta has done a good thing by bringing this kind of cinema to Indian audiences I have only one thing to say:

If that sorry excuse for a human being (a.k.a Sanjay Gupta) really wanted Indian audiences to have access to good movies, he should have bought - BOUGHT Mr. Gupta, not stolen - the rights to make an official remake.

What you have done is plain and simple stealing, and you ought to be treated like any ordinary thief.

Oh, and in case you're wondering: Zinda as a stand alone movie is also crap. In Oldboy, one is never left feeling as if any threads are loose, that any part of the story is not explained. In Zinda, one is never convinced by any explanation given to cover up the gutless Gupta's substituting the incest storyline with his ham effort.
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