Review of Hush

Hush (1998)
Not even bad enough to be good
19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An absolutely awful movie I watched only because of Gwyneth Paltrow who I had previously admired greatly. Not so much now. Shame on her for being party to this load of rubbish. It started off quite promisingly, well actually the wheels didn't start coming off until burglary/attack on Paltrow when it was blatantly and painfully obvious that the mother had arranged this. No explanation of the reason for this. Things went rapidly downhill from there, yes the scenery was attractive if you like that sort of thing but credit for that is due to mother nature not the cinematographer. I think the second worst aspect, after the terrible story line, was Lange's acting.

Incidentally, Oxytocin is rendered useless in the digestive system and is only effective if absorbed through the mucous membranes or given intravenously, and even then has a half life of 3 minutes I believe, so it would be totally useless taken in food. Also if my mother-in-law had treated me like that when I was in labour and then tried to kill me with a lethal injection I would not have stayed in the house even for a dramatic denouement the next morning.

Then the son, after being led around by the nose by the evil mother does a complete about face in the space of a few minutes on the strength of his wifes unsubstantiated accusations.

A rubbish movie best avoided.
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