Great character studies; so-so murder mystery
15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the characterisation, especially of Stone, were very good. Selleck had the right air of a good man with problems. Molly and Suitcase were good support in the force. The relationship between Stone and Lily Summers seemed a little strange but Orla Brady was pleasant and gave the impression that there was a lot hidden below the surface.

William Devane and Stephen McHattie were underused.

The murder mystery was somewhat flimsy - especially the ending. Stone works out the killer based on knots. (And Shaw doesn't look like an experienced yachtsman, to me !) Of course, he has absolutely no evidence. In a 1960s detective show, the villain would have broken down and confessed in front of a room of witnesses. We aren't that unrealistic now. Instead, the villain's henchman accidentally shoots his boss saving Stone the trouble of proving that he planned the murder. Then Stone has to kill the henchman (who had actually committed the murder) - in self-defence of course.

That's two guys that Stone shoots in self-defence.

Overall, though, I enjoyed the movie. Definitely above average.

I'd be interesting in reading the book to compare the two.
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