Jon & Kate Plus 8 (2007–2009)
One of the few interesting reality shows out there
9 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
'Jon and Kate Plus 8' has the honour of probably being one of the few decent, interesting reality shows on the box, and this is taking into consideration the sheer number of reality tat that is being churned out by television companies these days. The show centres around Jon and Kate Gosselin, who are parents to an incredible eight children (six-year-old twin girls Cara and Maddy, and three-year-old sextuplets Aiden, Collin, Joel, Alexis, Hannah and Leah).

'Jon and Kate Plus 8' works because it offers a bird's eye view of everyday life with this huge family, warts and all. As for the kids, especially the twins, they are cute and endearing in their antics. That said, as the show progressed, it has become apparent that there is a tyrannical, controlling side to Kate, which can make it quite hard to watch her at times, especially when she expects the kids to act like little pristine robots instead of spontaneous children who are going to make noise and get messy. It will be interesting to see how this family fares over the years, as the children grow up and no doubt become less tolerant of being filmed twenty-four/seven (I feel the twins are already at this point and perhaps it's time to wind down on filming for the sake of allowing them normal school lives).

Overall, this is a fairly good show that not only offers a slice of what life is like for the Gosselins' but also is an insight in American family life.
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