Love of Siam (2007)
love, long long living
5 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There is no Asia film better than this one at present. First I introduce three viewer's comments: 1. Dear God if you ever let me live in this movie nothing could drag me out. 2. I am always lovesick as spring comes but this season is worst due to coming across this movie. 3. I have never been indulging with any movie but not this time. Not only let myself addict to it but don't want myself ever out. What's my comment? If you are a person try to search the true meanings of love (could kill but no penalty that's called love) all your life and you missed this movie, then even you were already in heaven you had to come back to earth to catch it. This movie tells us a story of love between two boys and their family members. Don't be freak out, folks. A love between two young boys? After you watched this movie and see how they sacrifice themselves to each other and for their family and what kind pure caring love to each other, if you are parents you hope your children can put their feet to your shoes just like them. The most important is there is a dream that most people never experiencing: anybody ever wrote a love song for you just for you during your whole life? If haven't then go to this movie and enjoy the very romantic moment before it's too late. If you have somebody to love after watched this movie you will love them more. If you have somebody to thank for their love after watched it you will be even more gratitude. By the way did I mention actors are cute and actresses are beautiful? I think this movie will be Asia classic and in the near future it will be the rank of world movie classic. Last I just want to say I never watched a movie that touched my heart so deep even just an old lady (acting as maw's grandma). Hope those folks who eager love so much go to the theater and drink some.
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