The Wild One (1953)
When planets collide, Brando V Marvin.
4 March 2008
Clocking in at just under 1 hour and 20 minutes The Wild One makes its mark and then leaves before overstaying the welcome. Not that the B.R.M.C. motor cycle gang were ever welcomed into this small town of Wrightsville (or should that read Rightsville?) in the first place, this film is a fictionalised account of a 1947 Biker Riot in Hollister, California, but anyone viewing this for the first time expecting an out and out violent carnage movie need apply elsewhere.

This film is more about the youth of the time feeling ostracised by the world, a film oozing with youth frustration that is on the verge of exploding with catastrophic consequences. The story unfolds tidily enough; biker gang hits a town looking for kicks and chicks, things get heated as the locals refuse to stand by and let the town descend into a lawless jungle. Enter another biker gang led by a man who has a history of bad feeling with the leader of the other gang and whoosh, a firecracker of tension ignites to entertain the viewers.

As a whole film it doesn't quite impact as it should, though certainly back in the early 50s this film struck a chord with youth of the time, and in viewing Marlon Brando as B.R.M.C. leader Johnny it's not hard to figure out why it was revered then because he seems to be the archetypal anti-hero. He is confused, moody, and at odds with his motives, it's a great performance from Brando because he layers what seemed on the surface to be a one dimensional character. The rest of the cast are merely making up the numbers; the ever reliable Lee Marvin pops in as the rival gang leader, but he is more panto villain than biker menace, whilst Mary Murphy puts a bit of soul into the main Female lead of Kathie. Other than that it stands as a decent film when judging as a 50s piece of "rebel yell" artistry, but ultimately it's Brando laying down a marker that is the abiding memory.

7/10 for the film. 9/10 for Brando.
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