Jon & Kate Plus 8 (2007–2009)
Jon and Kate plus 8
2 March 2008
This show is about a couple,Jon and Kate Gosselin,who have 8 kids. They have 7 year old twins, Cara and Mady, and 4 year old sextuplets, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel. None of them are identical. Kate is more controlling and incredibly organized. Jon is more laid-back and easy going. This family is picked on a lot, but even though I've never even met them, I can already tell that they're really great people, It is really cute because each of the kids have their own little personalities. From a day in the life, to shopping, to vacations. We get to watch the Gosselins experience it all. I love this show and I really hope they don't stop.
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