Natural Born Komics (2007 Video)
2/10 a sad kind of way.
1 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this on show-time at three in the morning, and i must say thats basically where it belongs, sandwiched in between "Busty cops 2" and "Bikini Cavegirl".

The first scene is kind of funny, a sort of hidden camera deal about Pauly hitting on women, then his best friend comes by to tell them he's getting married. The problem is that Shore describes to us EXACTLY what's going to happen in the scene before it even happens in his little introduction/setup to it. You'd think being the comic genius he claims to be, he'd know not to give the punchline away until the end of the joke.

The next scene is almost obscenely creepy, shore basically fawns over, and ends up publicly molesting a nervous black woman in a bikini, laying on a beach, while he wears a "disguise" which is just a hat and sunglasses.. He touches and strokes her inappropriately, cooing romantic pillow talk, while she laughs nervously, perhaps afraid if she shoots him down he'll freak out and kill her. This lasts about a minute,then he pulls his glasses off, and the woman recognizes him shouting"I'm on MTV!!!!", looking around frantically for the camera...shore doesn't inform her that she's just on low budget "comedy" special, instead he does the next obvious thing: mounting and dry humping her. Thanks a lot for that Pauly...I'm a grown man and now i have to check under my bed for a horned up Pauly Shore before I go to sleep every night.

Another scene is a parody of "Cheaters" which is completely predictable, and actually LESS funny than an actual episode of the show. Shore attempts to play a black man i guess (with no makeup, just his pure acting skill), who's fat black wife is banging a midget. Thats it, get it?

These scenes are inter cut with some of his stand-up comedy, you'd think seeing how this is his "big chance" to have another comeback he would find clips of himself actually being funny on stage. His jokes are predictable, and most of them have already been told by better comedians, sometimes the audience is even openly hostile towards him.

Shore then goes to a beach and pretends to be shooting "Chubby Girls Gone Wild", and completely fails to get any chubby girl to...go wild. It's fairly hilarious seeing him strike out so bad with chunky, unattractive girls, while the rest of the special he seems to regard himself as a rich playboy.

Things get a little better when Charlie Murphy shows up, and him and Pauly spoof MTV's "Punked" by...uh....totally ripping it off and calling it "Spunked". It's no spoof, they just do exactly what Punked does, except not to other celebrities, instead they just pick on a stuttering, non-English speaking valet parker. It's kind of funny, just listening to Charlie Murphy swear like a prison gang leader, but the fact that it's a total ripoff kind of ruins it for me. In another episode, two black guys are hanging out on Pauly's couch when his so called girlfriend walks into the room fully nude and dances for them. It'd be kind of funny if you did that to really uptight people, but the two black men love every minute of it, and seem completely unsurprised and unhumored when Shore informs them that they've been "Spunked".

Shore brings back the much hated "Weasel" character, in some strange parody where a bunch of good looking girls are stuck in a house with him, and speak for us by constantly telling him to shut up, trying to escape, and eventually killing themselves. Shore finally seems to understand that people hate the weasel character, but that doesn't excuse him for bringing Weez back AGAIN.

The show is funny in a "Laughing AT Pauly Shore" kind of way. To show his inability to "grow" as an "artist", almost all of the film and pop culture references are from the early 1990s, silence of the lambs, of course natural born killers. There's also a fairly long, bizarre, word for word re-enactment of "Scarface" starring Pauly as a badly impersonated Tony Montana...that ends with Tony taking his boss's kids to Disney world. I don't know either...

Even though the show is an hour long, the actual "show" itself is only a half hour. The rest of the special is Shore doing a "making of" type documentary about the show. Thats right folks...he's making a "making of" of the show that you're in the process of watching right now. It could be the first time ever that the "making of" was an integral part of the actual show itself, pure genius. There appears to be a time-space continuum that was violated here, and i'm surprised that the universe made it through the paradox intact. He goes through, and explains in boring detail, how he thought up, casted, acted, directed, and filmed all of the lame scenes (which amount to about 15 minutes of material minus his stand up comedy and commentary) that we just saw and didn't care about in the first place.

I suppose the "making of" really is the only funny part of the special, as shore admits at one part that he basically tricked someone into financing it, and what cracks me up is behind the scenes footage of the sketches is actually LONGER than the sketches themselves. It's fairly obvious we're just watching this because they ran out of ideas (or maybe financing) and couldn't fill a whole hour.

Near the end, Shore looks in the camera, confessing how proud he is of this project, and ordering the "Haters" to not bash it, because he worked really hard on it. I think he failed to realize that if the show was worth watching, he wouldn't have to ask that nobody bashed it.
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