The Curse of Demon Mountain DVD DON4625 is truly awful - but its not the fault of the film
25 February 2008
I watched my new copy of this PAL DVD in disbelieve and felt certain I had been ripped off and sold a Pirate Copy instead of a good quality commercial Film Transfer.

It starts with Tittles which are blurred and goes on to a Picture which looks as if an old Vidicon camera had just been pointed at a TV screen. The picture smears on movement and is poorly focused even on static scenes, but I settled down to watch it, just to see if it would be worth looking for a copy on Laserdisc or another DVD issue having a decent picture.

I began to think there must be a fault with the soundtrack as well as the lousy picture but I eventually realised that every time some sort of insult or swear word occurred - the sound had just been switched off. This might not have been so noticeable if the background noise had remained but the sound really did just switch off at these points.

In short it looks as if this particular DVD release has been copied from a TV or perhaps a very bad VHS tape, and presumably at a time when young children would be watching and naughty words would not be appreciated.

i would like to think that anyone who purchases this DVD would return it and ask for their money back on the grounds that its a faulty pressing and there for not fit for its purpose - i.e. to show a good quality transfer of this film.

The film is actually not too bad and although I could not find it under any of its various tittles in Leonard Maltin's 2005 guide. I suspect this version has been edited down to its 90 minute running time as some action seems to jump from scene to scene in a rather contrived manner.
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