the film i've been looking for my whole life!
22 February 2008
Once upon a time, back in the mid-1980s, I had a boyfriend who didn't own a television set. Often we would lay awake late into the night, listening to the stereo simulcast of a local "all-night movie" channel (XETV, Ch. 6)beamed from Mexico into our snug, San Diego homes. Imagine our surprise and delight upon the discovery of "Get Down and Boogie," A.K.A. Darktown Strutters! If you think WATCHING this flick is a surreal,disorienting experience, just imagine trying to decipher the plot without the visuals!!! Every since that fateful night back in 1988, i've been trying to procure my own copy of this flick, to no avail. (I got an incredibly sparse n' sleazy one-sheet for it one year @ The Comic-Con: "Get Down and Boogie --This movie will fry your eggs!")

It seems to've lapsed into a "public domain" kinda thing, as the only 'official' release I can find is from East/West DVD,one of those 99-cent-store outfits, wholesale only. I do not own a credit card, which severely limits my options here... What's a blaxploitation-struck gal to do?

....March 2008 UPDATE: I FINALLY got myself a DVD copy o' this flick through Amazon.com!! Sure, it's just the $1-Store, edited for television version jacked up to $9 for a used copy, but it looks like this is the best/closest i'll ever get, and I am, for the moment, fulfilled!!! (Now if I could just get that copy of "Black Devil Doll From Hell"...
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