Wedding Belles (2007 TV Movie)
This Is Genius
20 February 2008
One of the freshest and most engaging scripts I've seen on British television in years. It was brilliantly performed. I can't believe the sad case who spent all that time and effort telling everybody how much he or she hated it. What do people like that want for television drama- more mind numbing rubbish like the Bill pushed down our throats?

Wedding Belles shows that we have the writing and acting talent to compete with the best that HBO can offer. Why is it so seldom utilised? C'mon programmers, get your fingers out and stop wasting our time and money on soulless crud. Give us more of Shirley Henderson, Michelle Gomez, Kathy McDermott and Shauna MacDonald performing the brilliant material of Irvin Welsh and Dean Kavanagh.
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