3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Totally put off by bad screenplay and Russel Crowe's failure to be a convincing cowboy
19 February 2008
Impressions of 3:10 To Yuma (2007)

I know I saw a Russel Crowe movie. I am not sure saw a Western.

At no time did Mr. Crowe make me believe he was a western cowboy.

His accent was not at all suitable for the role and so to me he was Russel Crowe - the perfect captain in "Captain And Commander."

Also the plot was confused by many "oopses." The whole movie is an OOPS.

The screenplay was replete with errors and preposterous scenes. Like gut shot men back on their horse the same day, and, well, not to give it away, but the really preposterous ending. The whole plot/sreenplay has little credibility if you think about how much shooting there is, who gets shot and who does not and when and why.

Only ++s are for cinematography and sound quality.

Maybe Mr. Crowe, one of my favorite current actors just wanted to be in an American "Western" like he saw Unforgiven and said "I gotta do one of those."

Or more likely the offer to play Ben Wade in this old classic remake was too lucrative to turn down.

I have no idea why Crowe made this movie.
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