Italy really was like that in 1962
18 February 2008
I hadn't remembered that it was so much of a travelogue, but the film evoked memories of the Rome We visited in the '60s. Didn't return until the late '90s and the difference in traffic is what we noticed most. The crowds they show in Rome were smaller than I remember from that time, I guess because they were shooing them away for the shooting. Speaking of, I wonder how many couples have acted the Rome and Juliet balcony scene in Verona? I witnessed one myself on a visit in the '80s. The performance I hear was better than Donahue's.

My wife and I was enjoying the movie and she commented that Hampton Fancher was better looking than Donahue, and we speculated how the story might have developed if they had let "Albert" be less a dork. I agree with someone above that trying to have Angie play a neurotic doesn't work. I don't know why they I expected them to given Pleshette more comedy lines. She was a natural comedienne.
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