Vampire Diary (2006)
Cool, cult classic!
11 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just caught Vampire Diary at a friend's house video projected on the garage wall at a party – Its pretty cool! We weren't expecting much more than a lesbian vampire flick but actually it was a bit of a surprise - edgy weird and scary – Don't expect any expensive effects - instead you get the feeling you're with real people in a real situation. Its a bit arty but there are plenty of shocks and blood! It takes a little time to understand quite where it's coming from but if you think Blair Witch with Vampires you won't go too far wrong. Vampire Diary is shot as if by Holly a documentary filmmaker exploring the 'weekend vampire' scene. It's a clever use of POV – or Point of View – just like in Blair Witch and even the new film Cloverfield. It means the films a bit slow in parts – as the camera is just put down and shoots whatever is happening! It works well though and gives the whole film a kind of 'home movie on acid' feel! Its quite spooky in parts too. Holly encounters Vicki - the stunning Anna Walton who is nothing like the other 'week-enders.' In fact she quickly shows disturbing signs that she is a real vampire! Despite this she and Holly fall for each other as Holly's friends start to disappear. Then Vicki has a big surprise for Holly and they go on the run! The ending is pretty out there – but there's lots of great Goth - rock music by bands like Interlock, Fields of the Nephilim, NFD, and others. (Someone should release a soundtrack CD??) With Anna Walton about to appear in Hellboy II and Mutant Chronicles - Vampire Diary is maybe set to be a cult classic!
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