Was Irons channeling Boris Karloff?
6 February 2008
Even though Jeremy Irons won an Oscar for his odd and removed performance, I swear, if I close my eyes as I "watch" this film, I can listen to him speak and imagine that he was really playing the lead in The Boris Karloff Story. His identical Brit accent to old Boris would surely have won an Oscar, if there was one, for Best Actor's Voice in Playing a Dead Brit Actor Famous For Playing Frankenstein.

Well made film, but didn't care much for the story as written as it distorted Bulow's case(what's new with that in Hollywood?), and he definitely was guilty of despicable murder no matter what the courts said, just as OJ Simpson, Robt. Blake, and Phil Spector were, and they all got off by having very expensive, celebrity lawyers. Bulow was smarter than all 3 of those dopes put together, so any real justice in his case was a joke as he outwitted everyone in his cold and high toned, arm's length manner. In addition, there is no real justice for high profile offenders in celebrity-worshiping America these days. "All the justice that money can buy" is the name of the game in this money crazy country where we worship those who have lots of it more than we ever did God.
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