We're Not Worthy! We're Not Worthy!
5 February 2008
All cinematic values & qualities aside, you at least have to show respect for Herschell Gordon Lewis. The man was born in 1926! My grandpa was born in 1926! A lot of people's grandfathers were born in 1926! Can you imagine YOUR grandpa directing a movie that constantly features engrossing decapitations, disembowelment, brain removals (through the ear!), gauging eyeballs and lesbian lingerie parties? I wish my gramps was the Godfather of cinematic gore instead of a random guy who keeps nagging about the devastating years of World War II… At the ago of 76, H.G. Lewis suddenly made his one-time comeback with the nearly 40 years overdue sequel to "Blood Feast"; THE gore-movie that inspired all independent horror directors forevermore. The only characteristic proving Lewis actually is an elderly man is the fact that he doesn't evolve with the times. Lewis' filming style is exactly the same as it was forty years ago, meaning not the slightest attempt to tell a decent story, crude & vulgar humor, hideous music, amateurish editing, depthless characters and make-up effects that are ultimately gross but not the least bit shocking or convincing. So basically, yes, "Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat" is quite an awful film, but not a horror freak in this world is likely to spread negative comments about it. And besides, regardless of all the ineptitude, this undeniably remains a hugely entertaining and often downright hilarious horror film experience! The plot of the sequel is pretty much identical to that of the original. Fuad Ramses III reopens his infamous grandfather's small town catering business and promptly accepts an assignment to cater at the wedding of a local beauty and a dim-witted cop. But Fuad worships the same Egyptian (Babylonian?) Goddess as his grandpa and thus all the sexy bridesmaids' intestines end up on the catering menu during his ongoing search for the ultimate human sacrifice. That concludes the description of the story … or were you expecting something deep & thought provoking, perhaps? There's really no point in "defending" this movie… Either you already were a big fan of H.G. Lewis' oeuvre and decided to LOVE the sequel even before watching it or you never cared for his previous gore films to begin with and, in case of the latter, there's absolutely no reason to seek out this belated effort, neither. For the die-hard fans there are a handful of great surprises, like a delicious cameo of trash-director John Waters (as a gay-paedophilic priest!), purely gratuitous nudity, infantile textbook lesbianism ("Hey girls, let's all get together and try on our sexiest lingerie!"), hilarious dialogs ("I was dropping more hints than mariner soldiers drop soap in the shower") and random stupidity (some guy's corpse lying around everywhere). Thank you very much for this film, Mr. Lewis. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved retirement and live to be hundred years old.
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