What was that????
2 February 2008
This is by far one of the worst movies I have ever "tried" to see and by that I mean that I had to stop the movie after about 40 minutes. There was nothing funny about it. I even wanted to throw it in the garbage but I figured I may as well bring it in to Blockbuster since they buy back used DVDs. To portray young professional women or any women in such a disgusting way is beyond comprehension but then, after reading some of the reviews, I can understand why film makers produce such trash. What did it for me was seeing Christina Applegate trying to use the urinal in one of the filthiest bathrooms I had ever seen. And everything that came before that was not much better. I have seen Knocked Up and The Forty-Year-Old Virgin and loved those movies in spite of the crude humor but The Sweetest Thing is nothing like that. All it did was make me cringe. Avoid at all cost.
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