Really dug this emotional debut feature.
1 February 2008
I was on NextCat.com poking around and came across RT Herwig as the featured filmmaker. Dug deeper on his page and saw that he had directed this film, blah, blah, blah. I came on here and read the comments and then went to get the film. Luckily I had found it on Amazon and bought myself a copy. It is an indie film. And when I say indie I mean it's a film done completely outside the mainstream. It's a film completely perceived from RT's own emotions and thoughts and feelings. It was so heavy that it could only have come from someone who actually felt this way. It was honest. It was emotional poetry. It was unlike anything. I think why some people might not like it is because its very heavy. When the screen goes dark you feel sad and bummed out. It brought back so many feelings I had of my parents and our own family life growing up. It's not something I was glad to think about, but if a film can move me emotionally like that than I think it has done its job. Most films leave you with that false sense of something, this film left me thinking about my life and the choices I had made. I can see people not really digging that kind of film experience, but if you are a fan of cinema; cinema that has a certain emotional baggage then you should check this film out. If you go into it knowing that it is not what it seems to be that is. It's not the crime drama you want it to be. Watch it more like a parable, or a poem, or a metaphor, or whatever. Try to watch it as if you were there and looking right into the eyes of these people. If you do that, you might have the experience that the film was intended to give you.
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