Goodness, where do I start...???
31 January 2008
Okay, to me personally Michael Learned's performance was HORRIBLE, not 'Brilliant', as another reviewer here has stated. Interestingly, the Direction was just about the ONLY thing that was actually pretty good. The visuals, camera work, framing, editing, etc. weren't really bad at all; there were some nice transitions and the look and mood of the film were pretty decent. BUT... that was just about it... The acting was NOT 'Passable'; overall it was horrible with moments of okayness (okayness...?) Anyway, YES Judd Nelson was indeed sleepwalking through this; you could almost hear him saying to himself ('I'm getting paid for this; I'm getting paid for this...')

Normally, I give a LOT of slack to this kind of film. My 2 favorite directors (dead and alive, respectively) are Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch, so I'm no stranger to the 'Strange'...

But... this script was REALLY bad; man oh man, was it bad.

So, perhaps if the script and the actors had been better, THEN MAYBE with the above average direction and the half way decent concept, I think it might have had a good chance to come out a LOT better...
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