Thoroughly disappointing, frustratingly graphic.
28 January 2008
As a very open-minded and avid fan of film, I must say that this movie was distasteful and over the top for a variety of reasons. Basically, sociopathic teens turn to murder in the most predictable of steps while subjecting the viewer to grotesquely graphic images that only serve to disturb. It's a concept that has been done before, and done in a far more provocative way. The film has some different elements (i.e. the concept of the video diary and the extremely long, single-take scenes) and there are a few occasions where something genuinely interesting and unique is produced. But these moments are few and don't in the slightest make up for the one-dimensional, tired formula of "youth spinning out of control".

Edward Furlong is inarguably flawless in his delivery of the role, but that's really the only slightly positive statement that can be said for the acting. The directing grows sloppy in the second half and loses all the intimacy and realism that made the film mildly interesting at first. The sound editing is irritatingly unrealistic and sometimes takes the movie to a place dangerously close to kitsch. And the writing is dull at best; every scene is PAINFULLY transparent in its intended character or plot development and basic, simple points in the setup of the story (why is Judy so horribly harassed at school?) go entirely ignored.

Lacking any real style or purpose and with an irritating, smug arrogance, "Jimmy and Judy" is a self-indulgent parade of predictability and shocking images with no real counter-point. Frankly, not worth the time.
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