Awful film
28 January 2008
This fictional documentary/film tries to convince us that the evil, evil, evil George Bush Government planned 9/11, and made Extreme Moslims look guilty. They Even made them admit it.

But according to this movie, that is all a lie, put forth by the evil, evil George Bush Government, so that they could get a pretext to loose a war in Afghanistan and Iraq – or that is what most Conspiracy Theorists claim. However they are wrong. All the "facts" of this so-called documentary have all been debunked by Popular Mechanics, BBC and the History Channel (I.E. people with education, which no conspiracy theorists have in fields that can be used to explain 9/11).

The main "Evidence" of this so-called documentary is building 7, AKA WTC7. This building was not hit by an airplane, but it did collapse anyway. The conspiracy theorists take this as proof of controlled demolition and a government conspiracy. They claim that because FBI and CIA, among many others, had offices in building 7, then they must have destroyed it – to destroy some computers and documents. In conspiracy thinking that is very smart: to blow a whole building up, just to destroy some computers and file-cabinets. But in the real world that is stupid. Why not just destroy it, when they world watched WTC 1 and 2. Seriously: that Conspiracy theorists claim that WTC7 was brought down by explosives is a very stupid claim. If the evil Jewish-illuminati-shadow-government was behind 9/11, as all you conspiracy theorists claim - then would it not be stupid to blow up your command centre (WTC7), if you had just carried out the biggest false flag operation in human history, and gotten away with it? It would be VERY stupid to blow up the building; it would have been easier to just remove all the equipment!

Also: WTC7 was hit by the World Trade Center, when it collapsed. Almost all the buildings around WTC 1 and 2 do not stand today. They where all severely damaged, when the towers fell. They all had to be torn down. The only reason you conspiracy theorists talk about WTC7 is because of the pictures of it falling. But of the hundreds of film capturing the WTC7 collapse, you people only chose to use 1 film of it. You Conspiracy Theorists do not use all the footage seeing WTC7 burning and the pictures of the building damaged before collapse? Typical! But then again, you people would have to lie, to make people buy your wild theories.

But fact is that if I produced a similar documentary where I fabricated "evidence" that showed that Santa Claus and Bigfoot planned 9/11, then all you 9/11-conspiracy theorists would believe it blindly. You Conspiracy Theorists lack common sense. If the evil George Bush Government had planned 9/11, then they would NOT have used 19 Saudis as "Patsies", they would instead have used 20 Iraqis, Afghans and Iranians – to justify the later war on terror.

Stop believing in these amateur-movies, like Loose Change. Do your own thinking, get jobs and get on with your lives!

1/10 – awful trash! Nuff said!
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