Conte and Hayward make a great team
19 January 2008
"House of Strangers" has done me a great service. Richard Conte has always been in my mind as the sadistic husband in "I"ll Cry Tomorrow" - the chap who trips Susan Hayward up so people will think she is drunk, the one who doesn't call her up when he says, so, (he hopes) she will start drinking again. I have seen him in other films but none was able to erase that memory.

So seeing him and Susan Hayward in "House of Strangers" as a fiery but decent couple has softened him in my eyes.

The story is told in flashback as Max (Richard Conte) goes to the bank, after years in prison, to have revenge on his family. Later at the family home he thinks over past events.

Edward G. Robinson plays Gino Monetti a powerful banker whose sons have to do his bidding. Richard Conte plays Max, who is an attorney, instead of following his brothers into the bank. He is also the only son who is treated with respect by the father and the other brothers resent it.

He also begins a tempestuous affair with Susan Hayward while his fiancée (Debra Paget) sits meekly by. The father is bought to trial for "cooking the books" and Max goes to jail for 7 years for trying to bribe a member of the jury. From his cell he is inundated with letters from his father filling him with hatred for his brothers.

The last 15 minutes are a real shock and brings the film up a few notches. Susan Hayward is her typically fiesty self and does a lot more with the character than is written. Edward G. Robinson over-acts as the larger than life Italian banker.
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