Review of V.I.P.

V.I.P. (1998–2002)
Jeez, lighten up people...
18 January 2008
I've always thought of Pamela Anderson as one of Canada's worst (or best, depending on how you look at it) exports; but this show suggests to me that there might be a few synapses there after all.

Unashamedly silly and with lots of comic-book violence, it started a trend that's been carried on by 'She Spies' and others; and while that may not be a glowing recommendation for any of you, I find it an enjoyable way to switch off the brain for an hour. And it's proved to me that she may just have a second career as a comedienne once she's gotten too old for her Barbie Doll image.

Probably one for the guys rather than the gals, but *definitely* better than Baywatch.
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