Hotel Anchovy (1934)
17 January 2008
I've seen Holocaust films that were funnier than this travesty. I never have understood why The Ritz Brothers were considered a comedy team. At least The Marx brothers and The Three Stooges made you laugh. Maybe this is also why when people think about FUNNY comedy teams, they always mention TMB, and TTS...but I have never heard anyone under the age of 90 mention TRB. Must be a reason. The entire plot was idiotic at best, and you could see what the next "antic" was going to be long before it happened. I don't think I can actually say enough negative things about this film. My Thesaurus doesn't contain enough synonyms. I only wish I could sue someone and get paid for the 20 minutes I wasted waiting for a truly good movie to come on...Casablanca.
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