Not freaky enough
14 January 2008
Failed rendition of the famous fairy tale. Something's missing. There is never a moment when you get wrapped up in the story. For one thing the characters are very flat: the wicked stepmother is evil, but she lacks evilness, the gnomes are annoying, Snow White lacks character totally and the king will stay in my memory as the stupid-looking clown inside a mirror.

I think the biggest problem however is the fact that the magic of a fairy tale world isn't rendered enough. Nice bright colours and a labyrinth and a living forest and all, but the whole thing still looks more like a teletubby field than a place with magic spells. Also, an important constant factor of fairy tales - that is, the fact that the characters take wondrous happenings a tad for granted - is not convincingly brought about. I think it just requires some more freakishness...
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