Drive Thru (2007)
Was this movie suppose to be awful on purpose?
14 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hands down one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. Now, why did I even watch it? Because the description of the movie sounded so awful, I thought I would watch it for a laugh. I found the movie on comcast free movies on demand. I should have known what I was getting myself into. I never even heard of the movie before, even though it came out this past year. Anyways, the movie was more than laughably bad, it was painful to watch. For one thing, the story line sounds like it was written by a 10 year old. The storyline is so awful and predictable. You'll probably predict the whole thing before the movie is even half over. The acting is even worse. Some of the worst acting I have ever seen. You will hate the characters guts; luckily most of them get killed. I just wish it were all of them but most is almost good enough. The characters are basically a bunch of obnoxious, trashy teenagers with sewer mouths. Seeing them die is the best part about the film. Really, the movie's plot overall is about some murderous clown killing certain people when they show up at his restaurant. His name will make you laugh, it's Horny the clown. Oh and you have to hear the reason why the clown was killing a certain select of teenagers...

Apparently the murderous clown once lived a normal life. He was a social outcast who was bullied and it was by all the murder victims parents, yeah that's right. The clown wanted to kill all of the children of the parents who made fun of him when they went to high school together. So, the clown at one time was some poor, sadistic, pathetic loser. Oh, poor boy. I almost felt sorry for him... Not! It gets better. The mother of the main character was the one the clown had a crush on. So he wants to kill her daughter on her 18th birthday and here's another reason. The poor kid was killed by a fire by the main character's friends; yes the parents of the murder victims killed him on his 18th birthday. Or was he killed? I think you can figure it out. The plot to this movie makes Lifetime movie plots look like academy award winners. I mean, I find it funny that they actually tried to add a plot to a horribly directed movie such as this one. The movie wouldn't have been any worse without a storyline. In fact it might have been better.

Overall the movie is about as bad as it gets. It's even suppose to be a horror movie which is about as scary as Dora the Explorer. The movie will have a lot of blood which of course looks so fake. Really, this movie looks like one that was made by a local high school. Really, it wouldn't make any difference in the quality. My main warning overall is avoid this movie like the plague. It's beyond "so bad, it's funny". It's under the category "so bad, it's painful."
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