Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004 Video Game)
Good game, but the idea wears thin very quickly.
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am well and truly and obsessed with Silent Hill. I now own all the games, and I love them all, well, most of them anyway. I started playing 'The Room' a couple of days ago, and at first I wasn't all that keen on it. The controls were awkward at first but I soon got used to them. Also, the whole 'Room' idea bugged me a little. Then, after a short while, I started to appreciate the idea more and eventually I was well into the game.

The plot? You play as Henry Townsend, a man who has started having this reoccuring nightmare. He's been having it for nearly a week. Yeah, so after he starts having it he wakes up and finds his door has been chained up from the inside, preventing him from getting out. He can't get out through any of the windows either. The only way out of the room is to crawl through a hole that has been made in his bathroom. As Henry, you must explore different worlds. There are notes that get left under your door that tell you about certain things and what you need to do, etc. That is the basic plot of the game.

I liked the fact you had to return to your room at first, and I also liked looking through the peepholes to see what was going on. There was also something about this game that impressed me, and that was the 'survival horror' aspect of it. Out of every one of the Silent Hill games, this has to be the one that is the most like a 'survival horror' game. You can find plenty of weapons, but ammo is very limited, as are health items. This doesn't really matter during the first half of the game, but believe me, it does in the second when you are no longer healed when you return to your room. You also need to constantly return to deposit items and this can become a real nuisance. Plus, your room is always changing. At the beginning it's safe, but by the end it's in complete ruins and you can't keep returning to it all the time like you used to.

Anyway, at first I was really enjoying the game, wondering why so many people had claimed it was the worst of the Silent Hill series. However, after going through many worlds, I gained a partner, Eileen, and that's when the trouble started. Eileen is very slow so you have to keep waiting for her whenever you want to go into a room, or she'll be left behind. This doesn't help when there are enemies to fight, such as three patient enemies on you all at once, and Eileen takes her sweet time when I really need to get through the door. Another annoying thing is when I returned to my apartment to discover I'd lose half my health every time I needed to save my game. But it's not just that, it's like the game has become less engaging now. Maybe all of these things made it so, but I'm more than half way through now and I can honestly say that I'm bored with it.

I don't think I've said enough to say why I'm really not digging this game anymore. Here are a few things.. there may be spoilers btw..

-The monsters. They're just.. no. There aren't even nurses anymore, they were replaced with these retarded burping zombies. Most of them aren't scary, more annoying really. Especially those ghosts, which you just cannot kill, and that can become really frustrating sometimes. To top it off they take away your health while you can't do anything to them, except wear some pendant that ends up breaking after a while and is then useless.

-The characters. The man you play as, Henry Townsend, is just about the most dull, lifeless, boring and pointless character in Silent Hill history. I just didn't care about any of the characters in this game, the only one that I really liked was Eileen Galvin, but even she was a bit of a hollow character. It was like they just made up a bunch of characters without giving them personalities.

-The fact that you need to return to your room a lot and during the second half you can't even get healed. Health items are limited so you need to be careful using them. The game becomes insanely difficult at parts during the second part of the game as well. You're being hunted by a man in a coat and you need to run away with Eileen, but she is very slow and if she doesn't reach you in time the man will shoot you, and his attacks are very powerful, and he'll kill you pretty fast. Also revisiting the worlds. This is so annoying. Why couldn't they have made it so you visit other places? Seriously, it's like they didn't even try.

As a survival horror game this is good, but not great. The plot wears thin really quickly and just becomes a bore. Some parts are very difficult and it just gets on my nerves. I'm not too bothered about the fact that you never even go to Silent Hill, others might be, but as a Silent Hill game, this game is really bad anyway. It should never have been made as a Silent Hill game, it should have just been a spin-off game like it was originally intended to be. I'll admit that there are some scary parts near the start of the game, but after that, it just becomes a nuisance and I don't know if I'll beable to see it through to the end. The series hit a real low point with this game, and I just hope the next game will be better.

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