Hedy Lamarr is a beautiful but boring enigma as a woman of mystery...
11 January 2008
All the ingredients that made CASABLANCA such a mega-hit are present in THE CONSPIRATORS, but not one of the ingredients is able to put the film over the top as a story of intrigue, espionage and romance.

What's surprising is that the film fails to sustain interest despite a great supporting cast that includes PETER LORRE, SYDNEY GREENSTREET and VICTOR FRANCEN. Also surprising is the fact that it's directed by Jean Negulesco, who did such a brilliant job on the direction of JOHNNY BELINDA. The script is a talky, muddled bit of contrivances and clichés, with Henried as a Dutch freedom fighter in Lisbon clashing with the Nazis and falling under the spell of a beautiful woman who guards her secrets.

HEDY LAMARR is lovely, of course, but her characterization is so paper-thin that all we can really see is her exotic glamor, without much passion or feeling below the make-up. Nor is PAUL HENRIED seen at his best, more remote than usual in what should have been a much stronger role but is dulled by a witless script and a co-star with whom he has very little chemistry.

The convoluted plot doesn't give the supporting actors much to do and it's somewhat of a relief when the story comes to downbeat ending.
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