Dog's Head Bay? More like dog's breakfast.
9 January 2008
David Williamson has a reputation for being a fine Australian script writer. He isn't, but we are not allowed to say that else we be accused of the 'tall poppy syndrome'. This is the defence of mediocre Australians who get their big-heads lopped off when their pretensions are just too over-bearing for the rest of us and we decide that a little humility might be called for.

Williamson has written one or two things that are of mild interest to us 'down-under' but winner of the Booker prize he ain't.

The kindest way of writing about Dog' Head Bay is by assuming that Williamson wrote it at a time the electricity and phone bills were overdue and he had just endured a prolonged quaffing session involving the emptying of several cardboard boxes of Château Yackandandah sparkling non-vintage anti-freeze.

It is badly written, badly produced, and with appalling production values. The tapes of the series, if not already consigned to some other hades, should be put into a container, towed out to sea and used as target practice by the Navy.

Watch only if someone ties you to your armchair and superglues your eyelids open. You have been warned!
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