Nemesis 2: Nebula (1995 Video)
Pumping Iron-y
6 January 2008
I first saw this film a decade ago hidden in the nite program of a cable network. Only got half of it as I tuned in while it was already running and fell asleep before it was off. But that muscle babe kept me interested in seeing the whole thing. So now with the full DVD box of Nemesis I-IV available I could enjoy it in full.

On the contrary of many receptions here I am not in favor of Nemesis I. It is over ambitious and still crap. But Nemesis II catches what I would expect from a good action flick w/o budget - short introduction of persons, setting of characters and scene and then: Action! Not much suspense but a good laugh from time to time about plot holes so big even Sue Price could push through her broad shoulders . So for example the Cyborg first tries desperately to kill our hero whereas later revealing he would like to kidnap her alive.

Sue Price is really a feast for the eyes if you're into strong women. About her acting: if I had so many big muscles to co-ordinate I doubt I would find the time to control the small ones in my face to give it different expressions.

By the way Mr. Pyun had a wise choice of putting the storyline into African desert as only here our female hero can be densely clad to show mostly all of her beautiful body.

So all in all well entertaining and worth the time watching. I look forward to pt. III and IV in my DVD box with anticipation.
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