Kiss My Act (2001 TV Movie)
Warm and touching TV movie
5 January 2008
This is a reworking of Cyrano de Bergerac given a New York comedy club setting . Samantha is the Cyrano figure -a warm ,funny woman with a gift for witty one liners ,she is generous in spirit but also too generously proportioned for today's body obsessed culture .She works behind the bar in a comedy club and writes material for a pretty but vacuous would be comedienne named Jenny who passes off Samantha's material as being her own . Will she strike out on her own and find love with Michael -the talent spotter with whom she carries on a chat room flirtation while pretending to be Jenny -or carry on in her own comfort zone? See the movie and find out .Its got a good script,some nice performances especially from Carwyn Manheim as Samantha and Dabney Coleman as a veteran comic and her mentor Henry

Its not great but it is warm and amusing
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