A visually beautiful bore
3 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing this film, I've become interested in reading the book it was adapted from. Not because the movie struck me as a stunning masterpiece, but rather in the hopes the book will do a better job of telling a potentially good story.

Pretty cinematography, settings and music make for some nice eye and ear-candy (not dissimilar to Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette"), but don't help in communicating the plot.

The supposed "mystery" of the Lisbon sisters failed to draw me in. While the subplot ultimately leads to their punishment, too much time was devoted to Lux's relationship with Trip and the time spent locked up in their rooms was not investigated. Apart from Lux, there was no character development and I didn't care for any of the characters.

What mystery was there that plagues neighborhood boys? While the boys became scarred for life, I felt unfulfilled and bored. Honestly, I'd describe this film as a light-hearted flick rather than depressing. 5/10.
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