heart warming story of friendship-strong male performances
3 January 2008
On new years day, 2008, I saw the film "The Bucket List." It was not my first choice of a film that I wanted to see. To be honest, however, I probably would not have enjoyed any of the films that I would have chosen more. This film is very well done. I liked the screenplay, by Justin Zackham. I liked the direction, by the real talented Rob Reiner. And I was very impressed by the acting. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman did a superb job, playing two dying old guys who befriend each other, and together have the adventure of their lives. The film is very good. The plot involves this hospital owner-Edward Cole-who is dying from cancer, and another cancer victim-Carter Chambers-who meets Cole while getting treatment at the same hospital. After they both find out that they each have only a few months to live, they agree to travel together all over the globe, and follow this list of tasks. They call it the bucket list.

Nicholson gives a real touching performance as Ed Cole. He plays Cole funny, sad, stubborn, angry, strong, fearless, and loud. Morgan gives an equally touching performance as C. Chambers. He plays Chambers smart, cool, romantic, funny, fearless, and emotional. Both men are very moving in this film. They are great sharing the screen. I really enjoyed watching them play scenes together. It was for me a real treat. These guys, Nicholson and Freeman, are two of our finest actors. And this film is no exception.

Even though "The Bucket List" is a small film about friendship, and the meaning of truly living, I do not recommend it for the preteens. There are some very adult scenes. However, families with teenagers will enjoy seeing it together.

Josh Weinman
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