Not what I remember as a kid....
2 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was clearly made for Television and the copy I got looked like it was a "bootleg" from China or something. The focus was terrible and the color saturation was gone totally. The company who released this particular DVD was New Star Video. Avoid getting a copy of this from this company, The quality is TERRIBLE.

As for the plot, it was weak and very unlikely. There is a scene at the end where there are 20-25 THRUSH agent lying dead in close proximity to each other and the remainder of the UNCLE contingent just jog on by with none of them even hurt. The believability of this film is low and although Robert Vaughn and David McCullum and Patrick McNee carry the film, it is still very weak and there are too many "I'm Sure, like their gonna do that!!" moments to it. Perhaps I am seeing it through "adult" eyes after seeing the original series as a small kid (8-10). Kids will like this but adults will see through it totally and may not enjoy it as much as a pre-teen or teenager would. Worth a shot if there is nothing else to watch.

5 out of 10...
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