Wannabe feelgood movie
30 December 2007
Somewhere I've seen Amy Heckerling being compared to Nora Ephron. This is probably a bad joke. Nora Ephron at her best - in When Harry Met Sally - is lightyears away from Amy Heckerling. Even Ephron's average work is much better than I Could Never Be Your Woman.

The movie achieves to feel contrived in almost every area, from the script to the musical score. The script is so stale, that Michelle Pfeiffer can be seen plodding through her lines. She does her best, but even though she's perfect for the role, it's obvious she will not be lingering on this movie as one of her favourite.

The musical score is a happy-go-lucky assortment of eighties hits and try as it might, the nostalgia just doesn't appear. The set, the people on it and the music just don't match. This is especially evident when the song "I Could Never Be Your Woman" from White Town is played. This ambiguous song could not be further removed from the neurotically happy Hollywood dwellers atmosphere painted in the movie of the same name. The result of the juxtaposition is that you feel grossed out.

I don't feel like wasting any more time on criticizing this sorry little mishap of a film, it doesn't deserve even that. I just recommend to steer clear of it.
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