With this 'movie', Jeff Buckley untruthfully got the chance to be measured on the same shelf as other mediocre artists like Bon Jovi
22 December 2007
Since his sudden death, Jeff Buckley represents what has been a crucially missing part from modern contemporary music. He pushed the boundaries deliberately and put down decades worth of material onto just two discs. He is missed and this documentary is just another proof of his much missed presence. This documentary has been created on the basis of his short lived carrier - with results pretty much arguable. Unfortunately the way one remaining relative handles the legacy of Jeff's music is pretty much unloyal. A shame that hundreds of hours of live material is resting in the lap of his mother who only wants to preserve his son's legacy by not releasing a thing from Jeff's vaults but creating false myths and productions based on doubtful theories (just like this release.) Numerous FM recordings are laying ahead without the slightest chance of getting released in their finest, pristine quality because of other "would-be" business things apart from Columbia. Unfortunately not one box set has emerged glorifying Jeff's spectacular live performances since his tragic quit in 1997.

While we have real documentaries and footages of him performing we could make more out of his magnificent art. Period.
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