Brilliant and Twisted
28 December 2007
What a messed up, yet brilliant movie "Sweeney Todd" is, Oscar-worthy also comes to mind. Though because of the extremely dark subject matter, it might not do as well. Based on a play by Stephen Sondheim it's about a barber played by Johnny Depp is living the good life until evil Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman) wrongfully throws Sweeney into prison and takes his wife and child for his own. When Sweeney gets out, revenge is the only thing on his mind, so he opens a barber shop but instead of shaving faces, he slits throats in preparation for when the Judge sits in his chair. But what does he do with the bodies you may ask? He lets his tenant Mrs. Lovett, owner of the worst pie shop in London; make the bodies in pies, which sell like wildfire.

So as you can see, this is a truly messed up movie, even more so because it's a musical, and a comedy. You may think it sounds disgusting, it is, but not as bad as one would think since everything is over the top and done lightly. The genius who is Tim Burton puts his signature Gothic stamp on the film and makes 1800s London look like a bleak, almost black and white city. If it gets no other Oscars it should get Best Art Direction and Best Director for Burton who is long overdue. And oh-my, the actors, almost all of them are superb. And yes, Depp can sing. It's about time he gets an Oscar as well, especially for making us care for a mad, crazy, slightly demonic barber. Now that's tough. Alan Rickman is brilliantly creepy and evil as the horrible judge. Sacha Baron Cohen as Sweeney's rival Signor Pirelli is hilarious. The one weak point of the film is Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett. Her acting chops are great as always, but her singing is on the weak side. And one wonders whether Burton cast her simply because she's his wife. Otherwise "Sweeney Todd" is an engrossing, Gothic, twisted, fun, and just plain weird movie, much like Burton's other films. Though this is my favorite, second only to his masterpiece, "Big Fish". I highly recommend this, but the easily queasy should definitely not see this, in fact, stay far away. Fans of musicals, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, or weird movies will be enthralled and delighted by "Sweeney".
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