Six Feet Under: Everyone's Waiting (2005)
Season 5, Episode 12
26 December 2007
This is the most perfect end for a TV series I've ever seen. It is unexpected in so many ways and yet it is just what is should be. After seeing this episode, I am totally convinced that there could not have been a better ending for this series. It was perfectly written and acted out and it was just the right moment to end the series. I have seen this episode at least three times and I've wept every time -- and I'm really not someone who shows emotions.

The power of this episode stems from the fact that throughout the series, you feel like a member of the Fisher family and it is just heartbreaking to see the series end -- at the same time it is perfect. As eloquent as I'd like to sound, there is no word that describes this better than perfect.

It's the most fitting way to say goodbye to the Fishers and their friends.
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