George Bush must hate Americans, because he wants to kill these people, who are... pretty much like ourselves.
25 December 2007
A well made, rather sad story about a traditional Iranian family having to confront the intrusions of the Modern era - represented by the realtor's greed and the young man's heroin addiction. The film-makers do not shy away from the fact that the current regime can only address these issues with dictates derived from sharia (muslim civil law), and that this does not yet - at least not yet as so far interpreted - provide solutions the characters can live with. Perhaps it will one day - the film-makers (wisely, I think) leave that matter open.

What we are left with here are very human, even painfully human, characters with all the problems humans confront everywhere on a daily basis - providing house and home to one's family; dealing with failed ambition and disappointed expectations; learning to live with a multitude of human weaknesses.

Gee, don't they sound like many Americans? And these are the people that George Bush wants destroyed? Well, never mind the big Texas yo-yo - fools are plentiful and, thankfully, shortlived.

The use of HDTV camera and the cramped spaces of the sets used (apparently real homes after all), may jar a little; but the passion - and honesty - behind the film is clear, and highly welcome. Also, of course, one can't say enough good about the acting here, it is all top notch.

A brilliant and insightful little film that more Americans need to witness.
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