24: 4:00 a.m.-5:00 a.m. (2001)
Season 1, Episode 5
There's no such thing as "sorta dead"...
6 December 2007
"If you ever want to see your daughter again, get me out of this!" Greg Penticoff (an unrecognizable John Hawkes) told Jack Bauer at the end of the previous episode. Now, fearing for Kim's life and with George Mason still suspecting him of treason, Jack has to come up with a plan to get Penticoff out of jail. Pity the LAPD won't agree on that one...

In the meantime, Teri and Alan York learn of a Jane Doe that has been taken to the hospital and Alan identifies the half-dead girl as his daughter Janet. This means she didn't die two hours earlier, as Kimberly's kidnappers told Ira Gaines, and lying to Gaines has damaging consequences. In addition, Senator Palmer's personal problems worsen during a meeting with Maureen Kingsley, the woman who wrote the troubling article about Keith and has a virtually foolproof source for the story: George Ferragamo, the boy's therapist.

Bauer's awareness of his daughter's condition adds poignancy to the narrative, as does Palmer's realization that he might not be able to trust his own family, while a sudden jolt of violence serves as an effective reminder of the fact that 24 can be unexpectedly brutal at times. The real value of this fifth hour, though, comes from seeing Sutherland's performance acquire new layers of complexity: as he tries to get Penticoff out of custody, Jack shows the first of his many fake bouts of anger, fooling the cops and also the audience. No wonder the actor won a Golden Globe for his work in Season 1.
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