A Delightful Treat
5 December 2007
What a delightful treat this little movie turned out to be! Not daffy enough to be considered a screwball yet too amusing to be regarded as anything but a comedy, "The Young In Heart" (1938) shows us what happens when an entire nuclear family of con artists finally gains a conscience, while living with a sweet, rich old lady who they are trying to bilk. And what a bunch of performers have been collected to portray that family! Roland "Topper" Young (in heart) plays the father, Sahib; everyone's favorite twittery witch, Billie Burke, is the mom; Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. is the son; and Janet Gaynor, here in her last role before her comeback 20 years later (in "Bernardine"), plays the daughter. All give delicious comedic performances, and are ably abetted by former stage actress Minnie Dupree, excellent and understated as the little old lady, and Paulette Goddard, who Dougy is trying to woo. This is a David Selznick picture--it came between the previous year's "A Star Is Born" and the following year's "GWTW"--and is yet another class production for the legendary showman. But the real operative word for this film is "charm," which it exudes more than any other single ingredient. And my goodness, just how pretty is Janet Gaynor here, right before her retirement? Well, she makes even the yummy-looking Paulette Goddard look second best, and that should tell you something! Anyway, all in all, this picture is a real joy, and the crisp-looking DVD offered here only adds to the pleasure.
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