Sweet Movie (1974)
I wish I was smarter.
3 December 2007
Almost every review I see is just the person describing the bizarre scenes that you witness. And, I don't blame them. Sweet Movie is almost beyond words. It has weird scene after weird scene followed by a weird song. The Planet Earth and Birth song was especially likable, it had me humming and singing almost immediately. In Sweet Movie you basically follow these two women, one who appears to be a virgin to almost all things in life, and then you have another woman who is completely just taking advantage of all that life has to offer. And by the end, each lady seems to reach a pretty realistic conclusion. Like many others, probably 80% of most people who watch this, I was confused more than anything else. I did enjoy the bizarreness of it all, but at the same time I really didn't find myself enjoying the movie a whole lot. Sweet Movie is definitely not for everyone. It's without a doubt way too hard for the average person to appreciate. But if you're a movie buff, open-minded to outrageous ideas and can stand a little bit of the perverse, Sweet Movie could be a nice treat for you. The only way I see myself seeing this movie again is if I can watch it with commentary.
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